Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Building Business on Zaadz

Zaadz is a social network like Friendster or Gather. People can open an account, meet others, create blogs, build a friend list and lots of other things. What Zaadz does a little differently is that they given new meaning to the concept "Social" in the social networking world. Social in the sense that they are concerned with our world and it's people. Social in the sense that are are concerned about the environment. The Zaadz community is concerned about the many cultures of the world. The mission of Zaadz is to make the planet a better place in every sense and it’s motto is: “Zaadz: Connect. Grow. Inspire. Empower.”

Zaadz is the Social Networking alternative. They go so far to have a button on the bottom of every page proclaiming themselves "100% Organic"! You see the differences immediately between Zaadz and sites like Care2 (another "green" site) and LinkedIn when you start the process of registering for a Zaadz account.

When you click "you! (join now)" link (there version of register for an account), you must in mind agree to the Zaadz ideals. Their ideals are: Harmony, Integrity, Peace, Trust, Truth, Unity and Finally, Love. You agree to these ideals by clicking each word in a series of circles that resembles a flower.

In their own words:

"We're a little different than most of the communities you'll find online.

How? We're committed to the principles in the circles above, and we expect those in the community to uphold these principles.

Before you can join, then, please take a minute to express your own commitment to these values, indicating your agreement to the principles and your understanding of our terms. Starting with Harmony, proceed clockwise around the flower until you're invited to click the center, opening the gateway that'll allow you access.

Ready? Take a deep breath (we're all about remembering to breathe!), and when you're ready, proceed. We'll see you inside. :)"

Once you click the 7 circles, you can join.

So, is there a way to both serve this community and grow your business? You bet there is. Zaadz is the place to take advantage of the emerging green economy. Never has there been a place where so many socially conscious and active individuals come together in one place. The Green Economy, which I will here officially name Green 2.0, is becoming more important every day. Experts predict that the green economy will make the dot com boom seem trivial.

Here are five actions you can take to guide these socially minded people to your web presence:

1. Create a Complete Profile - Just like the other social network sites (Plaxo and LinkedIn for example) you first create a profile. The content you add to this profile is extremely important. Remember this is the first thing other members will see about you and your business. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make your profile complete. Add a cool title for yourself. Hard to explain but they will give you some examples like (Philosopher or Thinker), just go with it. Add a good description about you and your services in the about me section. Remember be complete.

2. Join a Pod (Zaadz Group) - Browse Pods or use the Pod Tag feature to find a couple of pods that you fit into. Join and share your vision, your goals, your with the other members. Share consciously, no one wants to be besieged with a sales pitch on the first meeting. That's not the goal here. The goal is to create a network of like minded individuals, who, once you earn their trust, may very well become some of the best agents for you, your message and your products/services.

3. Post a Blog - With your Zaadz account, you get a blog. Here is the place where you get to add really powerful and captivating content packed full of outstanding insight for your fellow community members. This doesn't have to be directly about you or your business but rather about the bigger picture that your business products/services address. For example, if you are a sculptor, don't write about your sculptures (at first), write about the importance of creating art and offer some tips.

4. Add an Event - Hosting a Seminar? Create an events page and invite all your new friends. Here you can add a link to your site and it even add a link to a Google Map. Marketing doesn’t get much easier (or more inexpensive!) than this.

5. Add Some Friends - Like the other social networking sites, you can add friends. Click the "Zaadzsters" link and use the search feature to find people with similar interests or favorite movies. By adding friends, you increase your network. Remember the seven Zaadz principles, you are not here just to help yourself, you are here to enlighten. By adding friends on Zaadz, you are connecting with loads of new people that have like interests, goals and dreams.

Since it's inception, Zaadz has been tagged with a "New Age label. In my opinion, this is not a bad thing. After all, we are in a New Age of Green and Social Consciousness marketing and business. Go Green 2.0.
Lennie Appelquist is the Owner of FreeMarket Media Group. FreeMarket Media Group is dedicated to helping individuals and small businesses generate leads, convert those leads in customers/clients and build a web presence that works for them. We can show you how to make your online business profitable - IMMEDIATELY. Wanna open a FREE account on Zaadz? Click here to join me on Zaadz!

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